It all began the day our heroine got fired from work. Our heroine is quite misfortuned: boyfriend left her, job gone, and even had to get her blood sucked by a ghost. Our heroine’s traveling back in time takes us to the beginning of all things. Who is Wen Ren Lin? Why did he die and why does he reside in a piece of iron? Why did he die this tragically…and who caused it?
- Ancient 古代
- Ba Yue Chang An (August) 八月长安
- Bai Lu Cheng Shuang 白鹭成双
- Ban Li Zi (Chestnut) 板栗子
- Boys Love 耽美
- By Genre
- Campus 校园
- Cang Yue (Medea) 沧月
- CEO/ President Text 总裁文
- Chun Dao Han 春刀寒
- Comedy 喜剧
- Ding Mo 丁墨
- Donghua Adaptation (Anime) 动画
- Drama/Movie Adaptation
- English Translation
- Fantasy 玄幻
- Fei Wo Si Cun 匪我思存
- Fully Translated
- Game 游戏
- Gong Xin Wen 龚心文
- Grumpy Crab 暴躁的螃蟹
- Gu Man 顾漫
- Gu Xi Jue (Celine) 顾西爵
- Jia Mian De Sheng Yan (Mask Feast) 假面的盛宴
- Jiu Lu Fei Xiang 九鷺非香
- Jiu Xiao Qi 酒小七
- Jiu Yue Liu Huo (September Flowing Fire) 九月流火
- Jiu Yue Xi 玖月晞
- Jun Zi Yi Ze/Tian Lai Zhi Yuan 君子以泽/天籁纸鸢
- Lan Bai Se 蓝白色
- Manhua Adaptation (Comic) 漫画
- Miao Juan/Ji Huan Huan (Claire) 缪娟/纪缓缓
- Ming Xiao Xi 明晓溪
- Ming Yue Ting Feng 明月听风
- Mo Bao Fei Bao 墨宝非宝
- Mo Shu Bai 墨书白
- Modern 都市
- Mu Fu Sheng 木浮生
- Mystery 神秘
- Palace 宫廷
- Qian Lu 浅绿
- Qian Shan Cha Ke 千山茶客
- Qiao Yao 翘摇
- Rebirth 重生
- Republican Era 民國
- Revenge 复仇
- Short Story 短篇故事
- Shu Ke 蜀客
- Tang Qi Gong Zi (Vivien) 唐七公子
- Teng Luo Wei Zhi 藤萝为枝
- Time Travel 穿越
- Tong Hua 桐华
- Wei Yu 尾鱼
- Wuxia 武侠
- Xian Xia 仙侠
- Xin Yi Wu 辛夷坞
- Yue Xia Die Ying 月下蝶影
- Zhu Yi 竹已
- By Genre
- Donghua Adaptation (Anime) 动画
- Drama/Movie Adaptation
- English Translation
- Fully Translated
- Manhua Adaptation (Comic) 漫画
- Popular Authors
- Ba Yue Chang An (August) 八月长安
- Bai Lu Cheng Shuang 白鹭成双
- Ban Li Zi (Chestnut) 板栗子
- Cang Yue (Medea) 沧月
- Chun Dao Han 春刀寒
- Ding Mo 丁墨
- Fei Wo Si Cun 匪我思存
- Gong Xin Wen 龚心文
- Grumpy Crab 暴躁的螃蟹
- Gu Man 顾漫
- Gu Xi Jue (Celine) 顾西爵
- Jia Mian De Sheng Yan (Mask Feast) 假面的盛宴
- Jiu Lu Fei Xiang 九鷺非香
- Jiu Xiao Qi 酒小七
- Jiu Yue Liu Huo (September Flowing Fire) 九月流火
- Jiu Yue Xi 玖月晞
- Jun Zi Yi Ze/Tian Lai Zhi Yuan 君子以泽/天籁纸鸢
- Lan Bai Se 蓝白色
- Miao Juan/Ji Huan Huan (Claire) 缪娟/纪缓缓
- Ming Xiao Xi 明晓溪
- Ming Yue Ting Feng 明月听风
- Mo Bao Fei Bao 墨宝非宝
- Mo Shu Bai 墨书白
- Mu Fu Sheng 木浮生
- Qian Lu 浅绿
- Qian Shan Cha Ke 千山茶客
- Qiao Yao 翘摇
- Shu Ke 蜀客
- Tang Qi Gong Zi (Vivien) 唐七公子
- Teng Luo Wei Zhi 藤萝为枝
- Tong Hua 桐华
- Wei Yu 尾鱼
- Xin Yi Wu 辛夷坞
- Yue Xia Die Ying 月下蝶影
- Zhu Yi 竹已
Recent Comments
- Yuki on Thousands of Heartbeats / A Thousand Heartbeats 千万种心动 by 时星草 Shi Xing Cao (HE)
- Tupai on Blue Fog (Wu Li Qing) 雾里青 by 明开夜合 Ming Kai Ye He (HE)
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- The Blossoming Love » mintyrecaps on The Blossoming Love 千朵桃花一世开 by 随宇而安 Sui Yu Er An (OE)
- eins111 on I’m Not An Immortal (The Adventure of Jian Chou) 我不成仙 (朝花不见愁) by 时镜 Shi Jing (OE)
- Drama Recap: Love Song in Winter » mintyrecaps on Winter Solstice / Midwinter (Love Song in Winter) 冬至 by 凝陇 Ning Long (HE)
- Blossom » mintyrecaps on Jiu Chong Zi / Deep Purple (Blossom) 九重紫 by 吱吱 Zhi Zhi (HE)
- Mochi711 on This Is Ridiculous / How Dare You !? (Cheng He Ti Tong) 成何体统 by 七英俊 Qi Ying Jun (HE)
This is the book I’m currently reading. Pretty long, but interesting and entertaining. The main guy cracks me up alot, but he’s pretty mysterious. It’s kind of a mystery with wuxia crashed with fantasy (as in spirits and yao jings.) The main girl is sent back in time to help the main guy before he turned into a ghost and they do end up coming back together so it’s gonna be a happy ending. Many happenings in this story does leave me with a “….” expression, but it’s a bearable extent. I have no patience for those things and if it’s bearable for me than it’s pretty alright I’d say. If you want you can just forward to the part when she got conned by the main guy to goes back in time and help him save himself from dying. This book is definitely a mood lifter.
Ok will give this a try later. So much to catch up. I kept on falling asleep with I devoted my youth to u so might give it up as the male voice is Sissy:(
It appears that they changed readers towards the end. The girl its good change, but spider sounds….strange and unfitting for the character who should sound foxy.