When the Boat Crosses the Bridge 船到桥头自然直 by 漠兮 Mo Xi (HE)

This story is about a girl who is timid as a mouse. She is afraid of the sky, the ghosts, death, afraid of everything. She met and suffered at the black hands of a black-hearted male lead with a black face. He chases, she runs, He comes, she hides. He is strong, she is weak.

Ye Qing Zhou (cowardly said): Uncle, sir, big brother, you are my sun, moon and stars – my sky. Just let me stay alive and I will pray for you everyday …

Qiao Luo  (sneered): Your heart really think so?

Ye Qing Zhou (put up three fingers): I am willing to swear to the sky!

Qiao Luo (raised his eyebrows & chuckled): Didn’t you say I’m your sky? So you are swearing at me?

This is a cute & funny story about a timid & gentle little white sheep & a black and sinister big bad wolf. Read, how the wolf bullies & eats up the sheep:P

[Ebook] [Radiodrama till 2] [Thuyền đến đầu cầu tự nhiên thẳng]



15 Responses

  1. Peanuts
    Peanuts October 8, 2012 at 1:28 pm |

    Hey lidge, have you read 船到桥头自然直 by 漠兮? It is a funny story abt a timid girl who is bullied by her step-brother when young. Now he is a doctor & I think is the male lead. I am on chapter 4. Really pity her & don’t like her brother who is actually quite funny.

  2. lidge
    lidge October 8, 2012 at 6:03 pm |

    Hey lidge, have you read 船到桥头自然直 by 漠兮? It is a funny story abt a timid girl who is bullied by her step-brother when young. Now he is a doctor & I think is the male lead. I am on chapter 4. Really pity her & don’t like her brother who is actually quite funny.

    I think so. The full name of the author is 抽风的漠兮, right? The story starts off with the main girl having appendicitis. She and her best friend go to the hospital and meets the stepbrother who’s a doctor there and who she’s been avoiding like the plague.

    I like this story. The stepbrother seems mean, but later on, we find out he’s mean because he wants to help her stop being to timid and pathetically eager to please to other ppl. I think there’s a psychological reason why she’s so eager to please and wants everyone to like her. Read it long ago so that’s all I remember.

  3. Peanuts
    Peanuts October 8, 2012 at 10:46 pm |

    lidge: I think so.The full name of the author is抽风的漠兮, right?The story starts off with the main girl having appendicitis.She and her best friend go to the hospital and meets the stepbrother who’s a doctor there and who she’s been avoiding like the plague.

    I like this story.The stepbrother seems mean, but later on, we find out he’s mean because he wants to help her stop being to timid and pathetically eager to please to other ppl.I think there’s a psychological reason why she’s so eager to please and wants everyone to like her.Read it long ago so that’s all I remember.

    Oh lidge, is there any modern novel you’ve not read b4:P? I think bcos it is easier to translate modern novel so all of them have been translated into Viet. Whereas you seem to have read very little ancient novels. My goal is the post a modern novel you’ve never read b4, lol.

    I am liking this step sibling story also. Due to skyblu’s influence, I want to read a step sibling story:) I can tolerate step brother but no way with step dad & teacher:) Although I am kind of annoyed with her timidness, at the same time I can understand why she is the way she is. It is refreshing to read abt a useless female lead, lol. I need a break fr 叶落无心’s novels. I can’t stomach too many of the same things:P

  4. skyblu629
    skyblu629 October 8, 2012 at 10:55 pm |

    Peanuts: Oh lidge, is there any modern novel you’ve not read b4:P? I think bcos it is easier to translate modern novel so all of them have been translated into Viet. Whereas you seem to have read very little ancient novels. My goal is the post a modern novel you’ve never read b4, lol.

    I am liking this step sibling story also. Due to skyblu’s influence, I want to read a step sibling story:) I can tolerate step brother but no way with step dad & teacher:) Although I am kind of annoyed with her timidness, at the same time I can understand why she is the way she is. It is refreshing to read abt a useless female lead, lol. I need a break fr 叶落无心’s novels. I can’t stomach too many of the same things:P

    Because of your recommendation, I decided to start the book. I got tired of it around chapter 38. At first the main girl was funny, and then it got old. She worries about everything . She really is the epitome of “Qi ren you tian (杞人忧天).” Her stepbrother is mean; he actually gets entertainment from scaring her. Bullying is cute when they’re kids, but now they’re both twenty something. Tell me if it gets any better.

  5. Peanuts
    Peanuts October 8, 2012 at 11:20 pm |

    skyblu629: Because of your recommendation, I decided to start the book. I got tired of it around chapter 38. At first the main girl was funny, and then it got old. She worries about everything . She really is the epitome of “Qi ren you tian (杞人忧天).” Her stepbrother is mean; he actually gets entertainment from scaring her. Bullying is cute when they’re kids, but now they’re both twenty something. Tell me if it gets any better.

    I am only at chapter 8, long way to go. Haha, I’ve this bad habit of dropping books. I dig out books, enjoy chasing the beginning then get tired & bored in the middle & usually never finish the last third of the book:P Aiya, this type of funny book, got not enough angst to keep you interested till the end. I like cute & happy book yet I still get bored of them b4 the end. I’ve wandering eyes so maybe tomorrow I’ll recommend you another book, lol.

    Hey skyblu, at least the beginning is interesting with a timid girl & a big bully brother. When I was young, I also think like her & long for a brother to protect me. Luckily I didn’t get one or else he’ll probably bully me, lol.

  6. lidge
    lidge October 9, 2012 at 12:00 am |

    skyblu629: Because of your recommendation, I decided to start the book. I got tired of it around chapter 38. At first the main girl was funny, and then it got old. She worries about everything . She really is the epitome of “Qi ren you tian (杞人忧天).” Her stepbrother is mean; he actually gets entertainment from scaring her. Bullying is cute when they’re kids, but now they’re both twenty something. Tell me if it gets any better.

    I read this a long time ago. From what I can recall, it’s revealed later in the story why the main girl is always in servant mode and eager to please everyone. There’s a psychological reason for it. The stepbrother’s meanness is what helps her overcome that emotional hurdle and she becomes normal again.

    When I was young,I also think like her & long for a brother to protect me. Luckily I didn’t get one or else he’ll probably bully me, lol.

    I’m the opposite. When I was little, I didn’t care about having siblings or not. Now that I’m older, I’ve realized that sibling relationship is a very precious and special type of relationship and unfortunately, it’s something I never got to experience.

  7. Peanuts
    Peanuts October 9, 2012 at 12:19 am |

    I’m the opposite.When I was little, I didn’t care about having siblings or not.Now that I’m older, I’ve realized that sibling relationship is a very precious and special type of relationship and unfortunately, it’s something I never got to experience.

    Haha, you were afraid if you’ve a sibling your parents will not love you so much anymore:P But as you grow older, you prefer them to spread out the love, lol. So you are the only child? If such is the case, then we’re in the same boat:( Actually I do envy those with good sibling r/s but at the same time I saw some friends with rather cold sibling r/s so I am kind of neutral now. Anyway too late for me to get a brother now unless my dad did something he shouldn’t do long time ago, lol.

    The step bro book is interesting but I prefer those books to be shorter. I always lose interest b4 the end. If they edit the books to under 200 pages will be good. Haha, I found a new book. The synosis sound interesting but after 2 chapters, I am still not into the book yet:(

  8. lidge
    lidge October 9, 2012 at 1:41 am |

    Peanuts: Haha, you were afraid if you’ve a sibling your parents will not love you so much anymore:P But as you grow older, you prefer them to spread out the love, lol. So you are the only child? If such is the case, then we’re in the same boat:( Actually I do envy those with good sibling r/s but at the same time I saw some friends with rather cold sibling r/s so I am kind of neutral now. Anyway too late for me to get a brother now unless my dad did something he shouldn’t do long time ago, lol.

    Yes, I’m in the lonely onlies club not out of choice. Having siblings doesn’t guarantee a great r/s, but there are siblings who are each other’s best friends. Too late for me since I’m grown already. Even if I have half-siblings somewhere, wouldn’t matter since we’re strangers except related by blood. The only option available now to me is marry someone with siblings and hope they adopt me lol.

    What new book are you on now, peanuts?

  9. Peanuts
    Peanuts October 9, 2012 at 3:13 am |

    lidge: Yes, I’m in the lonely onlies club not out of choice.Having siblings doesn’t guarantee a great r/s, but there are siblings who are each other’s best friends.Too late for me since I’m grown already.Even if I have half-siblings somewhere, wouldn’t matter since we’re strangers except related by blood.The only option available now to me is marry someone with siblings and hope they adopt me lol.

    What new book are you on now, peanuts?

    Xiaoyuer is also member of onlies club. I always though Viet family has a lot of children. Thus, i am sure you’ll be able to get adopted easily:P

    Hey, this step bro book is fun. I am on chapter 16 now. Hahaha, this girl is too much. She sounds like my dad:P My dad is someone who is Qi ren you tian (杞人忧天), meaning someone who worry unnecessarily. Yah, he always washes his hands, super clean, afraid of germs etc. Thus, I can really relate to this character but in defend of my dad, he is very mild compared to this girl and is not suffering from any personality disorder. My dad will not go into the kitchen to pester the chef not to put MSG. Btw the bro is also too extreme, sleeping on the same bed as your step sis when you are in your 20s is just too perverted:)

    Oh, I tried 2 chapters of this book 一夜成名 by 红枣. Needless to ask, you’ll tell me you’ve read it, lol. So, how is it? The female worked as a paparazzi (doggy reporter) who stalked artists. Later, she changed job & become an artist. The male lead is a rich film investor & she is trying to curry favour with him to get a leading role. But he is not fond of her bcos she used to stalk him. The story sound interesting & the book is rated quite well but don’t know why after 2 chapters, I am not into the book yet. What book are you reading now, lidge?

  10. Peanuts
    Peanuts October 9, 2012 at 4:40 am |

    Initially, I was too lazy to post this book. But as I read further, I like this book better so I was thinking of posting. Then I found a nice picture plus a radio drama so I am definitely posting:)




  11. Peanuts
    Peanuts October 11, 2012 at 2:36 am |

    skyblu629: Because of your recommendation, I decided to start the book. I got tired of it around chapter 38. At first the main girl was funny, and then it got old. She worries about everything . She really is the epitome of “Qi ren you tian (杞人忧天).” Her stepbrother is mean; he actually gets entertainment from scaring her. Bullying is cute when they’re kids, but now they’re both twenty something. Tell me if it gets any better.

    Hey skyblu, at last I am finishing the last 10 chapters tonight. I’ve just finished chapter 51. Have you abandoned this book? Actually I feel this is quite a good book. The main girl is this way bcos of her parents divorce & her bro & dad issues just make her illness worse. At the beginning really dislike her annoying bro. But later, found out that her bro isn’t that bad but nonetheless still a bully. Her step-bro is also deeply affected by the death of his mum & his dad’s ‘betrayal’. In bullying the girl, actually he is trying to protect her. He made a lot of decisions that are not what he really wanted just bcos of the girl. So, I feel that he is quite realistic & nice in his own way. I feel this book is something diff from the normal story which has kept me interested. Although there is no major angst yet their experiences in life are rather sad:(

  12. Xinn
    Xinn March 28, 2013 at 3:31 pm |

    I really don’t know how to make out this book. For the first time, I did not fall in love with the male lead and the female lead was just annoying me to the end of the world with her pathetic and self defeating personality.

    The plot was really nothing to shout about but the book itself was light and kinda laughable enough to keep me going until chapter 40 (at least). It’s one of those, ‘is it incest or is it not’ kind of book. Then I figured, whether it is or not, is not even the crux here. When you’re seventeen and still sleeping in the same bed (in a platonic way) with your “brother”; is not something a sane and normal person would do, right?? And then, when you’re twenty four and still sleeping in the same bed with him (even though still in a platonic sense) is just downright mental, right??

    I had this bad-bad feeling and then I hit the nail on the head, the female lead really is a mental case, she has some mental disorder which will render her extremely violent when provoked by two specific persons!!!

    A perverted male lead and a sick female lead. Suddenly, the book doesn’t seem very light anymore, what with a drug addict father who later committed suicide; then attempted suicide by the female lead; psychological issues; the likes of an extremely evil 小三 and an equally evil former college mate who seems like a psycho-path as well. Wow, these are heavy duty stuff which poor little innocent me can’t handle very well. In fact, all of a sudden, the supposedly funny parts seem to appear twisted too. Garrhhh, what’s the book doing to me?

    End up, I pretty much skimmed the rest of the book (from chp 41 onwards), just so that I walk away knowing the conclusion and not feel like the last two days of reading just went down the drain!!! Haha…

    But Peanuts, you seem to like the book, do tell me if I am missing out on big time by not really reading the rest of the book. In fact, i feel bad that i’ve gone almost two-thirds of the way, just to abandon ship. Sighhhh…..Convince me and I will pick it up again.

  13. XinnXinn
    XinnXinn March 29, 2013 at 9:51 am |

    I did come crashing down to earth!!haha….

    Yes, I received your email and you just exposed me to a whole new universe!!! Wow, the radio drama was amazing, with special effects at the background and all. It was so enjoyable listening to Wei2 and it felt so different, but I still have a fair bit of difficulty understanding it entirely (the culprit must be the online game). So, I’m taking it really slow, pausing all the time to cross check with the pinyin version.

    A big 谢谢 to you and i guess I’ll be keeping the rotten eggs for now….heehee

    I’m now doing a few books concurrently; Wedding and Wei2. Plus, i’ve also just started Big Grey Wolf’s 心肝 as well, simply becoz Seoul says XiaoBai cameos in it!! Walala….

  14. Snow Berries
    Snow Berries September 5, 2014 at 2:27 am |

    Just to give my 2cents worth after reading the book. This is not just a LOVE story between the OTP, I feel it touch on the love between husband and wife, siblings and friends. She is not a Ninja turtle…she is a hermit crab. She is just hiding till she grow her shell.

    In this story, Qiao Luo really shines but I think Xiao Dan deserves some credit. They have the same encounter-she lost her dad, he lost his mum. 2 children coping with their lost, “supporting” each other..XD has a very unique way of thinking, but she clearly understand from the time they met as children that QL needs a way to release his frustration over losing his mum and getting a new ‘family’. Many commented that she is a weakling but I see a silent strength within her. He bullies her while she accommodates him. He actually protected her very well…cos in the book, she clearly mentioned, that she realised that there are more evils in this world once she left his protective shell.

    I can’t decide if she willingly fall in love with him or did he groom her to like him. It is a big bug in the story that their parent never discover that QL is sharing XD bed for 7 years while living under the same roof!!! Honestly, I wouldn’t mind sharing mine esp if he is such a dreamboat. He is a very outstanding boy since young and she is actually quiet pretty.

    I love our hero everytime he performs “brotherly” duties and influencing her views on BOYS and all matters….he knew her very well and he shape all her weird thoughts.

    I am very touch by the friendship between XD and her best friend (every girl need a friend like that ) and relationship between the OTP and their departed parent. The love between this OTP is not so much on words or action, but via thoughts.

    Her mental illness is not a major problem and if readers could just get pass her weirdness, the story is very heartwarming…You could see her mature towards the later chapters and all credit goes to QL…in the beginning, she is scare, ran away but he chase. But in the end, they love, she ran away but he wait. I only wish the author write more after their second reunion. Good read! thank you Peanut..

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