This is the prequel to The Grave Robbers’ Chronicles (The Lost Tomb) and follows the leaders of the nine grave-robbing family and their adventures to save the people of Changsha from a potential deadly threat.
A mysterious train ride to Changsha leads to a bizarre mountain areas, where Zhang Qi Shan seeks the help of Er Yue Hong and good friend Qi Tie Zui to infiltrate a mine, resulting in the discovery of an ancient tomb. At the time, Yue Hong was in the North searching for medicines to save his wife. The trio quickly become good friends and unveil the unsettling massacre plan of the Japanese to poison the Changsha river. To protect their people and city, the nine families stand together to ward off the invaders.
(Credits: AVV)
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I sometime think Old Nine Gates is even better than Grave Robbers, because all the stories in here are so sad and so unforgettable. But good thing is Wu Xie and Kylin have a good (yet incomplete) ending in Grave Robbers in the end (posted in the author’s weibo), which I feel like can make up for the sad stories of their previous generation in Old Nine Gates.
AHHHH, whenever I think of Old Nine Gates and Grave Robbers, my heart hurts soooooo much!
I really want to read Old Nine Gates and know what happens at the end of Grave Robbers.. probelm is that I don’t read nor write in chinese.. so i can’t read the originals. If anyone knows and is willing to give me a summary, please help me! I’ve read the english translated verison of Grave Robbers but it stopped at book 6. Anyone know where I can find more info about this?
I find it hard to find books of the mystery genre online as they’re usually in print more, or am I looking in the wrong places? Thanks for the online link!